Below is a question that came in today about art supplies for the upcoming class. For other supplies, check the Supply List tab at the top of the page.
I am signed up for the class starting this week. I went
shopping for supplies, but I have a couple of questions:
On the oil paints, I
bought the level 1 Windsor newton oil paint, but I was concerned that I
bought the wrong paint, as this paint can be mixed with water. I can return the paints if I have the
incorrect type. Also, I have some
paints that are very old (at least 20 years), can I use these or should I toss
them and start over?
I went to Hobby Lobby,
Michaels and Joann and could not find “Gamsol Mineral Spirits. Do you have any suggestion on where I can
buy this product?
Also (three question) do we
need the Red acetate and color wheel for the first class?
Thanks, “J”
Answer: Dear “J”
Winsor Newton makes several
types of oil paint. The water mixable oils mix differently than regular
oil paint, so it's better to avoid them unless you specifically prefer the
water mixable kind. Regular Winsor Newton oil paints are a professional
grade – they are the best of the WN Line, but also the most expensive.
Winton oils (also made by Winsor Newton) are a medium grade,
priced more economically, and are better than the cheap student grade
paints. Winton is a good choice to
begin with, then you can upgrade one color at a time as you run out.
Your old paints may be fine - they are made to last many
years. Just squeeze the tubes a bit to see if they are still soft.
If they have hardened and dried out, you can’t use them. If they are just
hard under the cap but soft below that, you can remove the cap, dig out the
hardened paint with a small screwdriver and use the rest. Sometimes very old tubes will leak;
throw these away as they aren't worth the mess! If in doubt, just start fresh.
You can find the Gamsol at Guiry's, as well as the red acetate.
Get the smallest container you can find of the Gamsol. You will need your
red acetate for the first class, but not the color wheel.
I hope this helps! It can be daunting if you've never
painted before. Feel free to write again if you have other questions. I look forward to seeing you in class!