Supply List - Beginning Oil Painting Classes
Hint: Use this list as a reminder each time you pack for class. Remember, bring all your supplies to your first class!Important: This class requires the use of non-toxic Turpenoid Natural (in the GREEN can), and Gamsol (odorless Mineral Spirits by Gamblin), rather than turpentine or other dangerous solvents.
- Turpenoid Natural is for cleaning your brushes. Buy a pint or quart can. (Guiry's usually has this for less than Michaels, even with a Michaels coupon.)
- Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits is for mixing with paint. You won't use as much of this, so you can start with a smaller size.
Bring your Turpenoid and Gamsol to class in 2 small jars.
Brushes: For the first class, you will need a small, flat brush, about a half-inch wide.
If you already have brushes, bring what you have. We will discuss brush types in class, so you can wait to purchase more.
If you do wish to purchase additional brushes now:
I recommend bristle filbert brushes (rough bristle, flat with rounded corners), small, medium and large (sizes 4, 6, 8, or 10 or something similar). Good brands are Robert Simmons Signet or Silver Grand Prix Bristle, both available at Guiry's Paints. Avoid the very cheap brushes, as they will make learning more difficult for you.
Also bring soft (white nylon), flat brushes in sizes 2, 6, and 1-inch wide. Good brands are Silver white nylon or Robert Simmons White Sable.
If you have questions about these, bring a small flat brush, and we will discuss brushes in detail at our first class.
Oil Colors: For the first several classes, you will need only the starred* colors. You can get the others later if you prefer. I suggest you buy the best quality you can afford. Good medium grade brands that are a good balance of quality and price are "Winton" and "Grumbacher Pretested". Professional grade brands are "Winsor Newton", "Rembrandt", and "Gamblin". Avoid cheap "Student Grade" paints. Some students begin with the medium grade and upgrade to the professional grades as each tube runs out.
*Cobalt Blue
*Cadmium Red Medium (or Winsor Red, or Grumbacher Red)
*Cadmium Yellow Lemon
*Yellow Ochre
*Titanium White
*Ivory Black
Later you can add:
Ultramarine Blue (Also called French Ultramarine Blue)
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red Light
Cerulean Blue
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Sap Green
Naples Yellow (I like Naples Yellow Light)
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
Bring these items to every class:
· One sheet of red acetate, available at Guiry’s for less than a dollar, but you must ask for it. Be sure to get the clear red kind, not the mylar, which is cloudy.
· Palette – A large, disposable paper palette for mixing colors, or any kind you prefer to use. The best disposable paper palette is the “Grey Matters” by Jack Richeson and Co.
· Liquin – a painting medium. Get the smallest size jar of Liquin Original. This stuff dries out quickly, so it's not cost effective to buy the larger size.
· Palette Knife, not plastic-- The kind with the bend or "elbow" works better than the straight.
· Canvas pad, 11 x 14 or larger. This is a pad, like a sketchbook, of sheets of real canvas. Do not get "canvas paper." Fredrix is a good brand.
· Rags and a roll of paper towels
· Small sketchbook, pencil, eraser, ruler.
· Plastic tablecloth or table covering – a large trash bag will do, or a vinyl tablecloth.
· Easel. Most classrooms do not have easels. Bring a stable, portable floor easel or table easel. (New students won't need this until the 3rd class. You may prefer to wait to see the various types other students are using.) The most stable table easels are those on the top part of a wood paint box.
· 1 or 2 pieces cardboard or fome cor, each about 16 x 25. You will tape your wet canvas sheets on these to paint on them and carry them home.
· Masking Tape
· Cotton swabs (like Q-tips)
· Plastic Wrap (like Saran Wrap)
· Color Wheel and a Value Scale, for reference, if you already have them.
Hint: To get everything to class, students use an old wheeled suitcase, a shopping cart, bag or backpack. Check out Goodwill or Arc! Some use a plastic wheeled toolbox from Walmart (in the automotive department). These come in two parts and are much less expensive than the art boxes in art supply stores.
Later on you will need:
· Several small canvas boards or stretched canvasses
· Several reference photos – simple landscapes or still life pictures to practice painting from. Look for color photos with good contrast. We will paint both from photos and from life.
If you have questions, contact Valorie at:
Supply List, Advanced Oil Painting Class
Valorie Snyder, Instructor
Hint: Use this list as a reminder each time you pack for class. Remember, bring all your supplies to the first class!Bring the paints and brushes you usually use. You should feel comfortable with your colors and supplies.
* Turpenoid Natural (in the Green and White can) for cleaning your brushes. Bring this in a small jar.
* Small jar of Gamsol (odorless mineral spirits by Gamblin) for mixing with your paints. (You can clean your brushes with the Gamsol, but the Turpenoid Natural is more effective.) It helps to have both.
Brushes: bring the brushes you normally use, especially bristle brushes, small, medium and large (sizes 4, 6, 8, and 10 or something similar). Bristle Filberts are most versatile for fast painting. Also bring soft brushes in various sizes for detail and blending.
Suggested Colors:
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Cerulean Blue
Cadmium Red Medium (or Winsor Red, or Grumbacher Red)
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red Light
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Yellow Light
Titanium White
Ivory Black
Sap Green
Naples Yellow (I like Naples Yellow Light)
Yellow Ochre
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
- Liquin or the medium you usually use
- Palette knife
- Palette - Disposable paper palette or any kind you prefer to use. The best disposable is “Grey Matters” paper palette by Jack Richeson
- Small Clean Jars for the Turpenoid Natural and Gamsol
- Table easel (use a stable one) or portable floor easel
- Several (4 to 6) small canvas boards or stretched canvasses, sizes 8 x 10, 9 x 12, or 11 x 14, whichever you prefer
- Rags and a roll of paper towels
- Plastic table cloth or trash bag to cover the table.
- Sketchbook and pencil
- Color Wheel, Value Scale, for reference.
- Bring a value finder (red acetate) and/or view finder if you have them. Red acetate is available at Guiry’s, but you must ask for it.
Outdoor Painting Workshops
The Supply List for the Outdoor Painting workshops will be sent to you by mail or email with your registration confirmation, along with directions to our painting location and helpful tips.